David Pace
David has over 27 years’ experience in the funds management industry. David co-manages the Greencape High Conviction Fund with Jonathan Koh.
After graduating from Melbourne University as a commerce graduate, David took up a role within the Private Business Division of KPMG, where he worked from 1990 to late 1992. After a 12 month sabbatical, he then joined Potter Warburg Asset Management (which later merged with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers and later became Blackrock), in the role of an analyst within the Australian equities team. In 2001, David joined the Portfolio Construction Committee, and became the Portfolio Manager designate for the Merrill Lynch High Conviction Fund which at time of departure was $1.3 billion in size. David was also a member of the Asset Allocation Committee between 1997 and 1999.
Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce, Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment.