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Important Information for New Zealand Investors

Offers to New Zealand investors is a regulated offer made under Australian and New Zealand law. In Australia, this is Chapter 8 of the Corporations Act and regulations made under that Act. In New Zealand, this is subpart 6 of Part 9 of the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 and Part 9 of the Financial Markets Conduct Regulations 2014.

This offer and the contents of the offer document are principally governed by Australian rather than New Zealand law. In particular, the Corporations Act and the regulations made under that Act set out how the offer must be made.

There are differences in how financial products are regulated under Australian law. For example, the disclosure of fees for managed investment schemes is different under the Australian regime.

The rights, remedies, and compensation arrangements available to New Zealand investors in Australian financial products may differ from the rights, remedies, and compensation arrangements for New Zealand financial products.

Both the Australian and New Zealand financial markets regulators have enforcement responsibilities in relation to this offer. If you need to make a complaint about this offer, please contact the Financial Markets Authority, New Zealand ( The Australian and New Zealand regulators will work together to settle your complaint.

The taxation treatment of Australian financial products is not the same as for New Zealand financial products.

If you are uncertain about whether this investment is appropriate for you, you should seek the advice of an appropriately qualified financial adviser. This offer may involve a currency exchange risk.

The currency for the financial products is not New Zealand dollars. The value of the financial products will go up or down according to changes in the exchange rate between that currency and New Zealand dollars. These changes may be significant.

If you expect the financial products to pay any amounts in a currency that is not in New Zealand dollars, you may incur significant fees in having the funds credited to a bank account in New Zealand dollars.

The dispute resolution process described in this offer document is available only in Australia and is not available in New Zealand.

Contact details for New Zealand Investors

Investor Services team:
Phone: +612 8023 5428
Office Hours: 8.15am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday (Sydney time)