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16 Apr 23 Insight Global Equities Ox Capital Management

Meet the fund searching for the next Google and Amazon

View the original port including transcript on Livewire.

The world is changing, sticky inflation is here to stay, and so must investor attitudes to areas like emerging markets.

When I founded Ox Capital Management 18 months ago, my team and I set out to deliver consistent outperformance in an asset class that has traditionally been overlooked by Australian investors. Despite the political and macro challenges, the Ox Capital team believe that emerging markets are better placed now than they have been in recent living memory. 

We believe global inflation is going to remain stickier for longer. And unlike in previous cycles, when a strong US Dollar has pummelled the values of assets in emerging markets, this time has been different. 

Why, you ask? 

This all amounts to what we believe is a paradigm shift. 

And what better way to gain access to this theme than with an experienced team that knows the lay of the land? Our portfolio management team looks for high-quality companies that are trading at discounted valuations and benefitting from macro tailwinds. It's not exactly revolutionary but it's a proven process that we swear by.

In the following video, I discuss in further detail the Ox Capital process and how it is enabling us to beat the benchmark. I'll also share some regions and thematics that we are most interested in right now.

Produced by Livewire Markets and published on 12 May 2023.