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Australian Equities

WaveStone Capital

About WaveStone

WaveStone Capital (WaveStone) is a specialist boutique Australian Equities manager based in Sydney. Founded in 2006, WaveStone aims to provide tax-effective income and capital growth over the long-term by investing in a portfolio of quality businesses, with a Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) – businesses with superior corporate DNA operating within industries with favourable dynamics that deliver above market earnings growth. 


WaveStone is an active high conviction manager with a bottom-up stock-picking process. WaveStone invests in proven business models with an equity market capitalisation greater than $200m at the time of purchase. Typically, the companies they invest in are prudently financed, well managed and have a track record of success.

The WaveStone team apply growth, quality and valuation tests, positioning their investment style towards growth at a reasonable price (GARP). WaveStone’s approach tends to favour companies that will grow earnings faster than the market over the medium term. 


WaveStone realise the importance of sustainability for all companies, and that they as fund managers have an active role to play. WaveStone strongly believes that responsibly managed companies are more likely to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage and provide strong long-term growth. Incorporating ESG factors into their investment process enables WaveStone to assess risks and opportunities that are not yet reflected in asset values.

WaveStone’s quarterly ESG reports outline activity and insights.
The consideration of ESG issues is embedded in WaveStone’s corporate DNA principles.
Active ownership
Active ownership
Company engagement is an integral part of the investment process.
WaveStone is a signatory to the UNPRI, Climate Action 100+ and HESTA 40:40.


WaveStone Capital’s principal investment team have experienced events such as the tech bubble, September 11, 2001 and the Global Financial Crisis. We have managed multi-product and multi‑billion dollar funds in both wholesale and retail markets with distinction, throughout a range of market conditions and cycles.

Contact WaveStone

General Enquiries
1300 721 637 (Within Australia)
+612 8023 5428 (Outside of Australia)

Financial Adviser Enquiries
1300 721 637

Institutional Investors and Asset Consultants

Carly McMullan
Senior Institutional Business Development Manager