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PATRIZIA ESG Information

Low Carbon Portfolio

Responsible investment and long term sustainability are at the heart of PATRIZIA Infrastructure’s investment philosophy. The Fund looks to invest in companies that are aligned with a well below 2∘ C global warming pathway, and in turn reduced stranded asset risk. As a result, the carbon intensity of the Fund is 68% to 76% lower than listed infrastructure indices.

Social and governance aspects of sustainability are also critical to long term returns, and are monitored closely, including robust controversy and norm-based screening. Given that infrastructure assets have long lives and touch all parts of our societies, a precautionary approach to ESG is applied, and companies with are not aligned with a science-based emissions reduction pathway or are found to be acting in contravention of global norms are excluded from the portfolio.

Emissions Intensity Table

0 In USD Scope 1&2 emissions per $Revenue Scope 3 emissions per $Revenue Total (Scope 1,2,&3) Emissions per $Revenue
1 Patrizia LCCIF 452 1,372 1,824
2 FTSE Dev Core Infra Index 1,391 7,242 8,633
3 S&P Global Infra Index 952 10,946 11,897
4 Dow Jones Brookfield Global Infrastructure Index 383 11,500 11,883
5 LCCIF vs FTSE Dev Core Infra Index -68% -81% -79%
Emissions Data

Collaborating for change

Patrizia also engages collaboratively across the industry to effect change and advocate for the material ESG issues that impact their investee companies.