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Global Equities Australian Equities

Alphinity Investment Management

About Alphinity

Alphinity Investment Management (Alphinity) is a specialist, active manager of Australian and Global equity funds, strongly aligned with their clients' objectives. Alphinity's aim is simple and effective: to identify opportunities across market cycles and invest in quality, undervalued companies with underestimated forward earnings expectations. 

Alphinity’s structure ensures a clear alignment of interests with their clients to deliver strong and consistent returns over time. It has:  

  • A clear and proven investment philosophy.  
  • A unique, disciplined and rigorous investment process.  
  • A highly experienced, cohesive and accomplished investment team. 


Alphinity's investment philosophy seeks to identify and invest in attractively valued, quality companies in, or about to enter, an earnings upgrade cycle.  Simply put, they look for stocks that can deliver 'earnings surprises' to drive outperformance.  

A company's earnings ultimately will drive its share price performance over time. The share price will, at any given point, reflect the market's future earnings expectations. However, the market is typically inefficient at accurately pricing future consequences of new information that will affect company earnings. Clearly identifiable characteristics exist for companies whose earnings ability is likely to be under (or over) estimated by the market, allowing Alphinity to exploit this inefficiency to create outperformance.  


Alphinity is committed to investing responsibly because they have found that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors can have a material impact on both the risk and the returns of investments. Alphinity believe that companies with good ESG practices and processes have a better chance of outperforming over the long term as they are better placed to adapt to the changing world.

Corporate responsibility
Corporate responsibility
ESG considerations have always been integrated into the investment process.
Corporate engagement
Corporate engagement
Effective alignment in the interests of investors with investee companies.
Actively supportive of global ESG initiatives
Actively supportive of global ESG initiatives
Signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investing (UNPRI) since 2011 and HESTA 40:40.
Alphinity believe in transparency around its investment activities.

Contact Alphinity

General Enquiries
1300 721 637 (Within Australia)
+612 8023 5428 (Outside of Australia)

Financial Adviser Enquiries
1300 721 637

Institutional: John Cotterill

John Cotterill*
Senior Institutional Business Development Manager
+44 (0) 207 832 0932

Listed Enquiries

Matthew Holberton
National Sales Manager, Listed & Alternatives
+613 9947 9419